Hi, I'm Dimitar

Java Consultant / Software Developer

Optimizing Spring Boot 3.3.x Applications with CDS and Native Image

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In this blog post, we explore the performance of a Spring Boot 3.3.x application (CrudHtmx) deployed with various Docker configurations, including CDS (Class Data Sharing) and native images. This is a follow-up to our previous post on comparing no-build web applications with Spring Boot. We conducted tests to measure startup... [Read More]

Enhancing Observability in Spring Boot Microservices with Micrometer, OpenTelemetry, and Spring Modulith Starter Insight

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In the previous post, we explored the structure of a Spring Boot application using advanced modular architecture. This time, let’s shift gears to discuss how to enhance observability in Spring Boot microservices and applications. Specifically, we’ll delve into how integrating Micrometer, OpenTelemetry, and the Spring Modulith Starter Insight can offer... [Read More]

Test-Driven Development with Spring Boot: Guide to Unit, Mock, and Integration Tests

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In the previous blog post, we explored advanced Spring Boot architecture, delving into clean architecture and modularity. This follow-up post will focus on implementing Test-Driven Development (TDD) in Spring Boot using the Inventory entity as a practical example. We’ll clarify the differences between unit, mock, and integration testing while providing... [Read More]

Advanced Practices in Spring Boot: Building a Modular Application with Docker, Zipkin, and 100% Code Coverage

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Advanced practices in software development not only streamline production but also enhance the maintainability and scalability of applications. This blog post delves into constructing a Spring Boot application, utilizing Docker for consistent local environment, Zipkin for tracing, and strategies to achieve 100% code coverage. We’ll explore setting up a feature-based... [Read More]