Hi, I'm Dimitar

Java Consultant / Software Developer / Applied Mathematics Practitioner

Advanced Practices in Spring Boot: Building a Modular Application with Docker, Zipkin, and 100% Code Coverage

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Advanced practices in software development not only streamline production but also enhance the maintainability and scalability of applications. This blog post delves into constructing a Spring Boot application, utilizing Docker for consistent local environment, Zipkin for tracing, and strategies to achieve 100% code coverage. We’ll explore setting up a feature-based... [Read More]

Fashion MNIST in CSV

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The Fashion-MNIST is a dataset of Zalando’s article images. It serves as a direct drop-in replacement for the original MNIST dataset for benchmarking machine learning algorithms. This dataset includes 60,000 training examples and 10,000 test examples, each being a 28x28 grayscale image associated with a label from 10 classes. [Read More]