Tag Index

 ai (6) architecture (1) blog (2) cds (1) core java (6) docker (3) faces (2) htmx (3) jakarta (1) java (21) jbang (11) joinfaces (1) jsf (2) junit (9) mnist (5) mockmvc (3) native image (1) neural network (6) personal (1) popular (4) spring boot (13) thymeleaf (3) tutorial (7) vue (1) vuejs (3)

 ai (6)

Fashion MNIST in CSV
Advancing Java Neural Networks: Introducing Mini-Batch Updates and Parallelism
Enhancing Java Neural Networks: Boosting MNIST Digit Classification with Apache Commons Math
A Java Neural Network Tutorial: Classifying MNIST Handwritten Digits
Exploring the Classic MNIST: A Benchmark for Machine Learning Models
Crafting a Neural Network in Just One File! Java with JBang

 architecture (1)

Springing Forward: The Evolution of Architecture Through the Years with Spring Framework

 blog (2)

Example of diagrams, math and source highlighting
After 1003 days I have a new site!

 cds (1)

Optimizing Spring Boot 3.3.x Applications with CDS and Native Image

 core java (6)

Web Page Crawling with Java - A Simple Example
Saving Web Page Content as a File in Java
What is Stack in Java?
What is 'hashCode()' in Java?
What is the Difference between '==' and 'equals()' in Java?
What is Queue in Java?

 docker (3)

Optimizing Spring Boot 3.3.x Applications with CDS and Native Image
Advanced Practices in Spring Boot: Building a Modular Application with Docker, Zipkin, and 100% Code Coverage
How to Build a Spring Boot Monolith with JBang

 faces (2)

Spring Boot - Comparing Vue.js, Jakarta Server Faces, and Thymeleaf/HTMX
Building a Web Application with Spring Boot and Jakarta Server Faces

 htmx (3)

Optimizing Spring Boot 3.3.x Applications with CDS and Native Image
Spring Boot - Comparing Vue.js, Jakarta Server Faces, and Thymeleaf/HTMX
Creating a Web Application with Thymeleaf and HTMX

 jakarta (1)

Building a Web Application with Spring Boot and Jakarta Server Faces

 java (21)

Optimizing Spring Boot 3.3.x Applications with CDS and Native Image
Spring Boot - Comparing Vue.js, Jakarta Server Faces, and Thymeleaf/HTMX
Creating a Web Application with Thymeleaf and HTMX
Building a Web Application with Spring Boot and Jakarta Server Faces
Creating a Web Application with Spring Boot and Vue.js
#nobuild Web Application Development with Spring Boot
Enhancing Observability in Spring Boot Microservices with Micrometer, OpenTelemetry, and Spring Modulith Starter Insight
Test-Driven Development with Spring Boot: Guide to Unit, Mock, and Integration Tests
Advanced Practices in Spring Boot: Building a Modular Application with Docker, Zipkin, and 100% Code Coverage
How to Build a Spring Boot Monolith with JBang
How to Build a Spring Boot Rest Api with JBang in a Single Java File
Advancing Java Neural Networks: Introducing Mini-Batch Updates and Parallelism
Enhancing Java Neural Networks: Boosting MNIST Digit Classification with Apache Commons Math
A Java Neural Network Tutorial: Classifying MNIST Handwritten Digits
Crafting a Neural Network in Just One File! Java with JBang
Web Page Crawling with Java - A Simple Example
Saving Web Page Content as a File in Java
What is Stack in Java?
What is 'hashCode()' in Java?
What is the Difference between '==' and 'equals()' in Java?
What is Queue in Java?

 jbang (11)

Spring Boot - Comparing Vue.js, Jakarta Server Faces, and Thymeleaf/HTMX
Creating a Web Application with Thymeleaf and HTMX
Building a Web Application with Spring Boot and Jakarta Server Faces
Creating a Web Application with Spring Boot and Vue.js
#nobuild Web Application Development with Spring Boot
How to Build a Spring Boot Monolith with JBang
How to Build a Spring Boot Rest Api with JBang in a Single Java File
Advancing Java Neural Networks: Introducing Mini-Batch Updates and Parallelism
Enhancing Java Neural Networks: Boosting MNIST Digit Classification with Apache Commons Math
A Java Neural Network Tutorial: Classifying MNIST Handwritten Digits
Crafting a Neural Network in Just One File! Java with JBang

 joinfaces (1)

Building a Web Application with Spring Boot and Jakarta Server Faces

 jsf (2)

Spring Boot - Comparing Vue.js, Jakarta Server Faces, and Thymeleaf/HTMX
Building a Web Application with Spring Boot and Jakarta Server Faces

 junit (9)

Enhancing Observability in Spring Boot Microservices with Micrometer, OpenTelemetry, and Spring Modulith Starter Insight
Test-Driven Development with Spring Boot: Guide to Unit, Mock, and Integration Tests
Testing Spring Boot CRUD REST APIs with MockMvc - Practical Example
Web Page Crawling with Java - A Simple Example
Saving Web Page Content as a File in Java
What is Stack in Java?
What is 'hashCode()' in Java?
What is the Difference between '==' and 'equals()' in Java?
What is Queue in Java?

 mnist (5)

Fashion MNIST in CSV
Advancing Java Neural Networks: Introducing Mini-Batch Updates and Parallelism
Enhancing Java Neural Networks: Boosting MNIST Digit Classification with Apache Commons Math
A Java Neural Network Tutorial: Classifying MNIST Handwritten Digits
Exploring the Classic MNIST: A Benchmark for Machine Learning Models

 mockmvc (3)

Enhancing Observability in Spring Boot Microservices with Micrometer, OpenTelemetry, and Spring Modulith Starter Insight
Test-Driven Development with Spring Boot: Guide to Unit, Mock, and Integration Tests
Testing Spring Boot CRUD REST APIs with MockMvc - Practical Example

 native image (1)

Optimizing Spring Boot 3.3.x Applications with CDS and Native Image

 neural network (6)

Fashion MNIST in CSV
Advancing Java Neural Networks: Introducing Mini-Batch Updates and Parallelism
Enhancing Java Neural Networks: Boosting MNIST Digit Classification with Apache Commons Math
A Java Neural Network Tutorial: Classifying MNIST Handwritten Digits
Exploring the Classic MNIST: A Benchmark for Machine Learning Models
Crafting a Neural Network in Just One File! Java with JBang

 personal (1)

After 1003 days I have a new site!
Advanced Practices in Spring Boot: Building a Modular Application with Docker, Zipkin, and 100% Code Coverage
Fashion MNIST in CSV
A Java Neural Network Tutorial: Classifying MNIST Handwritten Digits
Exploring the Classic MNIST: A Benchmark for Machine Learning Models

 spring boot (13)

Optimizing Spring Boot 3.3.x Applications with CDS and Native Image
Spring Boot - Comparing Vue.js, Jakarta Server Faces, and Thymeleaf/HTMX
Creating a Web Application with Thymeleaf and HTMX
Building a Web Application with Spring Boot and Jakarta Server Faces
Creating a Web Application with Spring Boot and Vue.js
#nobuild Web Application Development with Spring Boot
Enhancing Observability in Spring Boot Microservices with Micrometer, OpenTelemetry, and Spring Modulith Starter Insight
Test-Driven Development with Spring Boot: Guide to Unit, Mock, and Integration Tests
Advanced Practices in Spring Boot: Building a Modular Application with Docker, Zipkin, and 100% Code Coverage
Springing Forward: The Evolution of Architecture Through the Years with Spring Framework
Testing Spring Boot CRUD REST APIs with MockMvc - Practical Example
How to Build a Spring Boot Monolith with JBang
How to Build a Spring Boot Rest Api with JBang in a Single Java File

 thymeleaf (3)

Optimizing Spring Boot 3.3.x Applications with CDS and Native Image
Spring Boot - Comparing Vue.js, Jakarta Server Faces, and Thymeleaf/HTMX
Creating a Web Application with Thymeleaf and HTMX

 tutorial (7)

Enhancing Observability in Spring Boot Microservices with Micrometer, OpenTelemetry, and Spring Modulith Starter Insight
Test-Driven Development with Spring Boot: Guide to Unit, Mock, and Integration Tests
Advanced Practices in Spring Boot: Building a Modular Application with Docker, Zipkin, and 100% Code Coverage
Testing Spring Boot CRUD REST APIs with MockMvc - Practical Example
How to Build a Spring Boot Monolith with JBang
How to Build a Spring Boot Rest Api with JBang in a Single Java File
Example of diagrams, math and source highlighting

 vue (1)

How to Build a Spring Boot Monolith with JBang

 vuejs (3)

Optimizing Spring Boot 3.3.x Applications with CDS and Native Image
Spring Boot - Comparing Vue.js, Jakarta Server Faces, and Thymeleaf/HTMX
Creating a Web Application with Spring Boot and Vue.js